Nailed it!

Not Really.

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed today.  Much like my other almost middle aged mom peers, I have a way of over doing it. I over worry, I over commit, over sign my kids up for way to much sh..stuff. I over analyze and I over achieve and over underachieve. I over worry, over eat and then I over exercise.  I am an over-doer.

I can’t just run, I have to run for a marathon. I can’t just sign my kids up for one activity; I have to sign up for 10. I can’t just eat a piece of cake, I have to eat the whole cake. I can’t just drink a glass of wine I have to drink the entire bottle of wine. I can’t just pluck my eyebrows, I have to pluck them all..(ok not really, but you get the drift.)

Everything I do, I over do!! And you know where it gets me?

Here. It gets me here.


I overdo and end up with a bunch of nothin’ ..

So my fellow lady friends and fellas that also ride the crazy over-doer train to nowhere. I implore you to make a pact with me:  Let’s stop over doing it!  Let’s all just try to freaking RELAX.

Or you will get a Mother’s (or Father’s day) card from your child like this, that depicts you as a weirdo that goes crazy and looks at your computer.

*actual card from my son.


-yours in relaxation



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